Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What are you doing?

You're a young, beautiful, and independent woman. What are you doing to yourself? Why are you crying over some jerk who doesn't want you and doesn't value what you have to offer?

Listen to me. If a guy likes you, he would go through storms to pursue you. If not, then he wouldn't give a damn. Do not ever think that he just doesn't know that he likes you because he does know and he doesn't like you. Guys are logical creatures. They don't like wasting time on something they know they don't want. Why should they?

It's been two years already. Are you going to waste another two years of your 20's? It's not worth it. We're supposed to be having fun with the wrong ones. He's the wrong one and he isn't fun at all. So it's not worth the time and/or money.

It may be healthy for your overall well being to bash the girls he likes however "palengkera" and "malandi" they are but that's his type. Don't you see if you want him to like you, you have to be palengkera and malandi also. That's not a good thing.

A lot of guys would readily trade places with him and I think you should give them a chance. You're only 21 for heaven's sake. It's not yet time to look for a husband. And I don't think, based on the way he's treating you, he'd make a fine husband.

You have standards. He doesn't fit. You deserve better than him. Why do you like keeping him around? Why do you like getting hurt so much? It's not fun at all but you like it. Some girls are real masochists.

Do not ever say you can't move on because if you really wanted to, you could and you will. It took me three years to get over a guy and I admit it's painful and up until now there are a lot of unanswered questions in my head but I'm okay. Those questions need not be answered anymore because I have survived.

The reason why you can't move on because you don't want to. The only thing that's getting in the way is you. You like how the whole thing feels. You mistook the whole thing for the real relationship. Pain isn't the only thing that is in a relationship. There's also happiness. There isn't one ounce of happiness in whatever you're engaged in. What the hell is happy about being "just a friend"? And don't give me the crap about him being near/close is enough. It isn't. It's never enough. Part of being human is wanting more and craving for something better. Being just friends isn't better when what you really want is to be his girl friend. Here it is, he doesn't want you to be his girlfriend.

He is not the Alex to your Gigi. The Jack to your Rose. The Ian to your Samantha. The Griffin to your Phoenix. The Jonathan to your Sarah. The Edward to your Bella. The Henry to your Lucy. The Rhett to your Scarlet. The Harry to your Sally. The Eric to your Ariel. The Phillip to your Aurora. The Shang to your Mulan. The Dimitri to your Anastacia. The Prince Charming to your Cinderella. The Romeo to your Juliet. The Dorothy to your Jerry. The Troy to your Gabriella. I could cite a lot more examples but you get my point. He's not any of those! So stop thinking and believing that he is.

He doesn't want you. He really doesn't. Unless you stop believing that, you'll never move on. You'll rot waiting for him. In the words of Sam from the movie "A Cinderella Story", "Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. Hopeless and disappointing." STOP THIS! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GREAT!

What does it take for someone like me to make you comprehend the obvious? I care. You know I'll always understand. I just don't like repeating myself. I know I give sane advice but I do not want to be in the middle of this very complex relationship. I am just a friend. A friend that's supposed to lend a shoulder to cry on. I've done my part. Will you please do yours?

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